Barrier Restoration. What is that?
The skin "barrier" is the outermost layer of our skin. This barrier is our first defense against the elements that protect the deeper layers of our skin. A healthy barrier will result in "glowing" and radiant skin. When the barrier is damaged by the elements, or even by us, the skin will appear dull, dry and can even cause acne, redness, irritation and inflammation.
Common Things that will affect the health and appearance of your skin:
Common Things that will affect the health and appearance of your skin:
- Weather Conditions
- Water Conditions
- Environmental Pollutants
- Air Quality
- Sun Exposure
- Sugar Intake
- Dehydration
- Over Exfoliating
- Facial Cleaning Products that strip the skin
How We Help You Glow.
What is Chronobiology and why is it important to me?
Chronobiology, the study of biological rhythms, is based on the principles of defending skin from damage during the day, and stimulating repair during sleep, and is at the core of our concept of protectying and restoring the skin's natural protective barrier. Circadia’s formulations combine pure botanicals, stem cell technology, second generation vitamins, and innovative peptide development to achieve optimal skin health and beauty, and to balance the pH of the skin; allowing us to deliver science and nature in perfect rhythm. |